Latest Igor Pro 6 Application Builds

The files listed below are the most recently build version of Igor Pro 6 for each supported platform. Unlike the installers and updaters, these application builds contain only the Igor Pro 6 executable.

In most cases you should not use the latest builds available on this page as the code may not be thoroughly tested and may be buggy. You should only use one of the files here if you have been pointed to this page by WaveMetrics or if you have discovered a bug in the latest official (beta or regular) release of Igor Pro 6 and wish to see if it has been fixed by WaveMetrics already.

In order to use one of the builds below you should first update to the latest official release of Igor Pro 6.

After you have updated to the latest official (beta or regular) release of Igor Pro 6, follow these steps to use the latest build:

  1. Close Igor Pro 6.
  2. Download the file below for your operating system.
  3. Using Windows Explorer or Macintosh Finder, navigate into the directory in which Igor Pro is installed.
  4. Rename your current Igor Pro executable (Igor.exe, Igor, or Igor64.exe) to a new name or move it into a different directory. This way if the latest build has any problems you can just reverse these steps to go back to the version of Igor Pro 6 you were previously running.
  5. Unzip the downloaded Igor Pro 6 application and move or copy the executable file into your Igor Pro folder.
  6. Macintosh only:

    Open a terminal window using In the terminal window, execute the following commands. If you have installed Igor Pro in a different location, you may need to edit the path in the first line.

    cd /Applications/Igor\ Pro\ 6.3\ Folder/Igor\
    chmod a+x Igor\ Pro

The downloads below do not come with any documentation about changes that may have been made since the last official version. In addition, the version number that Igor reports in the Help->About menu or via IgorInfo() and IgorVersion() may or may not be different than the official version.

If you report a bug to WaveMetrics and you are using one of these latest builds, please tell us the date of the executable file you are using.

Windows XP or later

Build date: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 07:36:49 -0700
File size: 8.1 MB
SHA1 file hash: 094480ac5848d5ac7f19bfec68b421400638315b
Download Latest Igor.exe executable for Windows

Macintosh OS X 10.4 or later

Build date: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 07:54:46 -0700
File size: 21.0 MB
SHA1 file hash: cb78be9dc67fac820fc1c1ddbc7711432d496e6e
Download Latest Igor application for Macintosh

Windows XP or later

If you are using the 64-bit version of Igor (Igor64) on Windows, you must download this file instead of the one above.

Build date: Tue, 20 Sep 2016 12:36:08 -0700
File size: 11.8 MB
SHA1 file hash: b4bf5e02a07e32b047483856e05034bbafd60c78
Download Latest Igor64.exe executable for Windows